Today I made a hard decision to move on and let my boyfriend go. There was just to many what if's and things that made me go hmmm...In the last month or so. I don't want to ever have to feel like I'm questioning why am I doing this to myself. I'm better then that and deserve better!

So going through all of this has made me do some soul searching. I need to change some areas in my life.
One is how I look at myself. If I don't think I look good no one else will.
Two I need to work on making a life style change rather then go on a Diet! I have to stop blaming it on the Williams or the Nielson genes.

Three I need to Love and Believe in myself more! I think that will make a big difference in my life.

So I'm going to be kinda using this blog as my journal. That way I can write out how I'm feeling the good the bad and the ugly. That way I'm not keeping inside me!
I have found a blog that I just love and thought I would share it!
Thanks for reading my blog!
PS...Please follow me Thanks!