New Fun In my life

I'm taking a photography class this semester at school. I'm in love with the class and I'm learning so much. This is my camera I have. I got it really cheap off of craigslist.

So my first homework was on Apertures
Apertures (also called Fstops) are a really important part of your image choices. Your aperture controls how much depth you see in the image. When the camera decides for you in automatic mode, it doesn't consider if a sharp focus in the background distracts from your subject, for example, or if that aperture blurs too much in your foreground. This assignment will allow you to see what happens with each different full f-stop with your camera.

Aperture 22
Aperture 16

Aperture 11
Aperture 8

Aperture 5.6 
Aperture 4

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